As reported by news agency PTI, a case has been registered by a Bangalore court against Indian cricket team captain MS Dhoni for allegedly denigrating a Hindu god and hurting the religious sentiments of the Hindus. The image in question had appeared on the cover of the April 14th issue of Business Today magazine which is published by the India Today group.
The image appears to have been created by the magazine and it is not clear whether Dhoni posed for the photograph or if he provided his consent for the image.
Hiremath had alleged that by posing for an advertisement in a business magazine as Lord Vishnu holding several things including a shoe in his hands, Dhoni had denigrated the Hindu god and hurt religious feelings of the Hindus. Taking cognisance of the offence and registering the case, the court has posted it to May 12 for recording of the statement of the complainant.
The image appears to have been created by the magazine and it is not clear whether Dhoni posed for the photograph or if he provided his consent for the image.
Hiremath had alleged that by posing for an advertisement in a business magazine as Lord Vishnu holding several things including a shoe in his hands, Dhoni had denigrated the Hindu god and hurt religious feelings of the Hindus. Taking cognisance of the offence and registering the case, the court has posted it to May 12 for recording of the statement of the complainant.
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