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Top 5 Tablets In The Market

Tablets are the thing of today, and have already nudged the laptop slowly out of the market. They’re proficient, portable, and offer better ergonomics. So let’s take a look at the tablets that are spearheading this movement to thwart the laptops out of the race!

1. Google Nexus 7

Google Nexus 7 was the first ever gadget under the Nexus tag was launched by Google, and it did its trick just right! Loaded with a Vidia Tegra 3 Quad-Core processor that clocks at 1.2 GHz, 8 GB of internal storage, and the ability to run for more than 8 hours makes this one a winner of all sorts, and the Nexus tag just adds up to the brand value! Grab this one for the best user experience! Priced at 15,000/-, the Nexus 7 is a steal!

2. Kindle Fire HD


It was always a known fact that Kindle was keen on entering the tablet market, and they exceeded all the expectations when they launched the Kindle Fire HD! A tablet with a dual core processor capable of processing 1.5 GHz, 8.9 inch screen size, 32 GB of internal memory, and a battery life of 7 hours makes this the best mate to Kindle your fire! Equipped with Android but with its own twist, Fire moulds around a user in the right way, and how! The Kindle Fire HD sells at 14,000/- making this a good choice for anyone looking for a handy tablet that serves all entertaining purposes efficiently!

3. Apple iPad, 4th Generation


This one needs no introduction and justification for being a part of this list. A household name of sorts, Apple entered the tablet market with the iPad and changed the ballgame altogether. Packed to the brim with the impeccable hardware and software that Apple offers, the highlight of iPad seems to be the A6X processor and the Retina Display that is technological wizardry at its best! Although steeply priced at 40,000/- for the 16 GB version, it is worth the investment if you’re looking for a classy tablet that is bound to turn heads around.

4. Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1


Samsung have been dominating the smartphone market with their all-new Samsung Galaxy S4, and they’re doing fairly well in the tablet market with their Galaxy Note 10.1. 16 GB of internal storage paired with the Samsung Exynos makes this baby juice out 1.4 GHz with ease. A 10.1 inch screen ensures that you’ll have a playground big enough to fool on. A Samsung loyalist’s delight, the Note with its price tag of 20,000/- is perfect for any Android user.

5. Sony Tablet S


Sony have been dishing out one brilliant piece of machinery after another, and yet another one to add to the list of accolades is the Sony Tablet S. Adorning a smashing look, the Tablet S designed for the fashion-conscious crowd who want to be tech-savvy yet stay at the cutting edge of fashionable technology! Other than looking utterly beautiful, the S comes with nVidia Tegra 3 Quad-Core processor churning out 1.4 GHz with ease. An internal storage capacity of 16 GB and a battery life of 8 hours makes this one the perfect companion for one and all!


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