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Simple tip on Cleaning the USB antivirus by Command Prompt

What is USB Antivirus
USB are very well used in the computers now a days , but due to this Viruses are easily entering the computer.

When you do not have any Anti-Virus in the System, it is difficult to remove the Virus and we forced to remove the USB without our Use

An simple trick for Deleting the Anti-Virus by the Command Prompt.Please follow Carefully......
1) Go to Start

2) Then Type cmd and hit enter

3) Then Type C: and hit Enter

4) Then type autorun.inf and hit enter

5) Then Type del autorun.inf and hit enter

6) now type attrib autorun.inf -s -h -r and press enter

7) Now delete each infected file by their name e.g ( del filename )

8) Here you are going on Autorun.inf so type del autorun.inf and press enter

7) Now the USB is free from the Virus...........


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