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State Forest Research Institute walk in interview for Field Assistant,Project Assistant,Oct 2012

A Walk in Interview will be held on  03-11-12  from 11.00 AM onward for the following temporary posts under externally funded projects to select suitable candidates. The selected candidates will be appointed initially for a period as per column No. 5 which may be extended as per the project requirement and subject to the satisfactory performance. Interested candidates should report at 10.00 AM on the date of Interview. Candidates will bring relevant certificates, mark sheets, works experience etc. in original along with one set of self attested photocopies and bio-data at the time of interview.  No TA/DA will be admissible.

Company :State Forest Research Institute

website :
Location : Madhya Pradesh

Project Assistant 03

Field Assistant 01

others 03

Qualification:  M.Sc/B.Sc

Last Date:   03-11-2012

Link for more details:


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